

Trust Wallet

Trust Wallet is owned by Binance and is one of the most used wallets globally. With Trust Wallet, you can hold several other cryptocurrencies since it is a multi-currency wallet.


Download the Wallet

Go to App Store or Play Store, search for ‘Trust: Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet’ created by DApps Platform Inc. Download the app the proceed to Step 2.


Create a New Wallet

Upon first launch of the app, you will be presented with the screen below which is the part where you can “Create a New Wallet” or “Import” an existing one. For this guide, we will select on Create a New Wallet.


Accept Terms of Usage

In order to proceed, you would need to accept the Terms of Usage. Simply put a check mark at the box then press on Continue. No turning back now


If you agree to to the terms of usage please be aware that, losing your recovery phrases will also mean that you lose access to your wallet


Save your Recovery Phrase

This is the most important part of your crypto journey. You need to take note of your recovery seed phrases. Your recovery phrases are the keys to your crypto wallet. So make sure to keep them in a safe place. Tap on Continue to proceed.


Verify your Recovery Phrase

If you followed Step 3and backed up your recovery phrase, this will be a breeze. In the correct order, select the words in order to complete the verification process. Click Continue when you are finished.


Wallet is Created Successfully

After going thru the backup and verification process you will be redirected to the main wallet screen. You will see an initial list of coins that you can start funding right away. Congratulations!


Add Causecoin to Wallet

  1. the button pointed by the red arrow(Image 1).

  2. Change Network to Smart Chain (click the red arrow)(Image 2)

  3. Copy and Paste the following Contract Address in the space (pointed with the black arrow)

  4. The system will pick Causecoin details when you paste the address to the space provided.(See image 2)

  5. Then Click Done(See image 2)

  6. The coin will be added to the list as seen below. Click on Causecoin to Send and Receive.(See image 3)

  7. Click on Receive to copy your receive address. That is the address you will use to receive coins.(See image 4)